Reference general instructions:
After reading or referencing the general WordPress documentation on my site, this page summarizes the specific details of how this site is set up.
Because I set this up two years ago, before the “Blocks” version of WordPress was well-solidified, this site is set up in “Classic.” I do not believe there will be any disadvantage, however, because most pages are set up in a standard full-width fashion with basic content, i.e. minimal artistic needs. Only the Contact page is set up with a sidebar, and that sidebar is accessible in Appearances > Widgets, Location.
The only other widgets used are Primary and Header Right. The home page is a real page, meaning it is not set up with the widget method. Once we agree on final design/layout/content for launch as well as long-term needs, I will remove the extra widgets.
Link to external websites:
- Copy the target URL from the external website URL field.
- Highlight the text in your site that wants the link.
- Click the link icon in the above menu, paste the link in the field.
- Click the Settings gear, check “open in a new tab.”